
提供您的客戶發現在地商家時會想採取的動作,藉此讓您的網站或應用程式更加貼切、迷人、更有效益。我們的 API 讓您輕鬆在您的網頁上直接添加一個「現在預約」的按鈕,以讓您的客戶能夠不分日夜做即時預約。 我們提供一個更妥善、適切及有效的方式,讓您的顧客在瀏覽您的網站或 APP 時,能夠直接預約您的服務,不用再被引導到其他網頁來輸入資料。SimplyBook.me 提供完整的 API 串接,您可以在既有的官網中加入「立即預約」的按鈕,讓顧客隨時隨地預約您的服務。

我的的 API 提供您所需的預約數據存取權限,讓您架構並客製化合適的線上預約系統。


為何數以千計的客戶都選擇使用 SimplyBook.me 的 API 呢?

線上預約即時更新 - 您的顧客可以 24 小時不分日夜預約您的服務。
除上述提到的優點之外,SimplyBook.me 也提供了其他完整的客製化功能。點擊此處以進一步了解我們的客製化功能詳細介紹。

Important! Number of API requests is limited by 5.000 per day on common servers and 25.000 per day on common enterprise servers. Number of parallel requests should not exceed 2 at same time and/or 5 requests per second on common servers. Dedicated servers allow unlimited requests although request load may be possibly limited by server specifications.


串接我們開發人員 API 來打造專屬的預約網頁。無論是入門的嵌入小工具到多功能的套件,都能按照您的需求來客製化。

SimplyBook.me 應用程式介面串接(API)使用的是 JSON-RPC 2.0 協定

看看 透過 API 架設的預約網頁範例,並且查看相關的程式碼


使用 SimplyBook.me 的 API 需要取得授權。您必須取得一組存取金鑰——即授權碼,以取得 SimplyBook.me API 中的授權。為了取得這個授權碼,您必須在 https://user-api.simplybook.me/login 服務上透過您個人的 API 金鑰,以呼叫 JSON-RPC 方法 getToken。您可以從後台管理介面上複製您的 API 金鑰,操作步驟為:到「客製化功能」的頁面,找到 API 串接客製化功能,並點擊「設定」。 接著您必須將遠端存取初始化至 SimplyBook.me API。您的請求應包含下面標題:'X-Company-Login', 'X-Token'


您可使用我們的範例中的 javascript JSON-RPC-用戶端程式庫php JSON-RPC-用戶端程式庫來開發您專屬的預約系統。

客戶端 API(公司公開服務)授權



var loginClient = new JSONRpcClient({
	'url': 'https://user-api.simplybook.me' + '/login',
	'onerror': function (error) {},
var token = loginClient.getToken(YOUR_COMPANY_LOGIN, YOUR_API_KEY);

初始化客戶端 JSON-RPC。

this.client = new JSONRpcClient({
	'url': 'https://user-api.simplybook.me',
	'headers': {
		'X-Company-Login': YOUR_COMPANY_LOGIN,
		'X-Token': token
	'onerror': function (error) {}



$loginClient = new JsonRpcClient('https://user-api.simplybook.me' . '/login/');
$token = $loginClient->getToken(YOUR_COMPANY_LOGIN, YOUR_API_KEY);

初始化客戶端 JSON-RPC。

$client = new JsonRpcClient('https://user-api.simplybook.me' . '/', array(
    'headers' => array(
        'X-Company-Login: ' . YOUR_COMPANY_LOGIN,
        'X-Token: ' . $token

使用者 / 管理 API(公司管理服務)授權



var loginClient = new JSONRpcClient({
'url': 'https://user-api.simplybook.me' + '/login',
'onerror': function (error) {},

初始化客戶端 JSON-RPC。

this.client = new JSONRpcClient({
'url': 'https://user-api.simplybook.me' + '/admin/',
'headers': {
'X-Company-Login': YOUR_COMPANY_LOGIN,
'X-User-Token': token
'onerror': function (error) {}



$loginClient = new JsonRpcClient('https://user-api.simplybook.me' . '/login/');

初始化客戶端 JSON-RPC。

$client = new JsonRpcClient('https://user-api.simplybook.me' . '/admin/', array(
'headers' => array(
'X-Company-Login: ' . YOUR_COMPANY_LOGIN,
'X-User-Token: ' . $token

從 SimplyBook.me 伺服器取得相關數據

預約網頁通常是一個讓顧客選擇他們所需的服務項目、員工,或是指定預約時間的網頁,當確認後,顧客會輸入一些聯絡資訊並確認預約。較複雜的解決方案可包含加入不同的備註欄位、做團體或週期性預約等等。您可以透過 SimplyBook.me 輕鬆打造專屬預約網頁。當然,如果您需要為您的頁面添加一些額外的功能,請查看 SimplyBook.me API 串接方法 所提供的完整列表。

您想取得的第一個資訊可能是服務項目及員工清單,則您可以使用getEventListgetUnitList 方法來取得這個數據,這兩者皆會回傳清單數據,包含每個項目的完整資訊,讓您可以有彈性的選擇如何在您的預約網頁中顯示服務項目及員工。若您想提供員工篩選服務,可以使用服務清單的 unit_map 性能,其含有可以提供所選服務之員工的資訊。


$services = $client->getEventList();
// returns array(array(
//     'id' => 1, - service id
//     'name' => 'Service 1', - service's name
//     'description' => 'Describe your service...', - service description
//     'duration' => 60, - service duration
//     'hide_duration' => 0, - Hide duration to clients flag,
//     'picture' => null, - file name of picture or null
//     'picture_path' => '/uploads/apidemo/event__picture/small/', - full path to picture,
//     'position' => 1 - service position
//     'is_active' => 1, - the service is activated
//     'is_public' => 1, - the service is allowed to book by clients
// ), ...)


$services = $client->getUnitList();
// returns array(array(
//    'id' => 1, - performer id
//    'name' => 'Provider 1', - performer name
//    'phone' => '111111111', - perfomer phone number
//    'description' => 'Describe your performer...', - performer description
//    'email' => 'test@gmail.com', - perfomer email,
//    'is_active' => 1, - the performer is activated
//    'is_visible' => 1, - the perfomer is visible for clients,
//    'picture' => null, - file name of picture or null,
//    'picure_path' => '/uploads/apidemo/unit_group__picture/small/', - full path to picture
//    'position' => 1, - performer position
//    'qty' => 1, performer quantity
// ), ...)

顧客的下一步是選擇想要的服務日期與時間。我們在 API 使用範例中使用了一個 Bootstrap 日期篩選器,您可以選擇是否使用,而您也可以選擇其他慣用的行事曆工具。 欲設定您行事曆的第一天,使用 getFirstWorkingDay 模組。其可用員工 ID 作為參數並回傳所選員工(預設則為任何員工)可做預約的下一天之日期。 欲顯示所選日期中的時段,您需要 getWorkCalendargetStartTimeMatrix 模組。第一個模組提供工作日的開始及結束時間以及休息日的資訊,第二個模組則回傳一個特定日期中可預約的時段之清單。


$year = 2015;
$month = 3; // March
$performerId = 1; // Can be null 
$workDaysInfo = $client->getWorkCalendar($year, $month, $performerId);				
// returns array(
//     '2015-03-01' => array('from' => '09:00:00', 'to' => '18:00:00', 'is_day_off' => 0),
//     '2015-03-02' => array('from' => '09:00:00', 'to' => '18:00:00', 'is_day_off' => 0),
//     ...


$dateFrom = '2015-03-03';
$dateTo = '2015-03-04';
$serviceId = 1;
$performerId = 1;
$qty = 1;
$availableTime = $client->getStartTimeMatrix($dateFrom, $dateTo, $serviceId, $performerId, $qty);
// returns array(
//     '2015-03-03' => array('09:00:00', '09:30:00', '10:00:00', ....),
//     '2015-03-04' => array('09:00:00', '09:30:00', '10:00:00', ....),

另一個您可能會需要的實用模組為 calculateEndTime。每個服務項目皆可有自己的服務時間長度,您的員工每天亦可能有不同的工作時段。使用這個方法,您就可以為顧客正確地顯示其所預約的服務之結束日期與時間。


$startDateTime = '2015-03-03 09:00:00';
$serviceId = 1;
$performerId = 1;
$availableTime = $client->calculateEndTime($startDateTime, $serviceId, $performerId);
// returns '2015-03-03 10:00:00'

當一位顧客點擊確認預約的按鈕時,您必須呼叫 book 模組。 這是執行所有必要的驗證和在 SimplyBook.me 系統中註冊新預約的主要功能。它需要顧客預約的資訊(如名稱、電話和一些額外的參數)。在 API 功能列表中查看此模組的所有參數說明。 而 book 模組的回應含有一組獨特的代碼以及這個新預約的其他細節,如果出現任何問題,亦會回傳錯誤的清單,所以您可使用這個資訊來以便利、直觀的方式將預約結果展示給客戶。

使用 API 密鑰

某些情況下,book 模組可能會需要確認動作。例如,如果您接受客戶的付款,則您僅在收到款項後才確認該預約。 SimplyBook.me API 的 confirmBookng 模組蒐集預約 ID 以及安全簽章作為參數。(cancelBookng 是另一個取得安全簽章的方法。) 您必需使用您的 API 密鑰來產生安全簽章。欲知如何完成這個動作,請見下面的範例。您可開啟管裡介面的「客製功能」頁面,然後從 API 串接的客製功能中的「設定」內取得這組密鑰。

服務預約以及使用 API 密鑰來確認的程式碼範例

$additionalFields = array(
	'6740d3bce747107ddb9a789cbb78abf3' => 'value1', 
	'b0657bafaec7a2c9800b923f959f8163' => 'value2'
$clientData = array(
	'name' => 'Client name',
	'email' => 'client@email.com',
	'phone' => '+13152108338'
$bookingsInfo = $client->book($eventId, $unitId, $date, $time, $clientData, $additionalFields);

if ($bookingsInfo->require_confirm) {
   foreach ($bookingsInfo->bookings as $booking) {
	   $sign = md5($booking->id . $booking->hash . YOUR_API_SECRET_KEY);
	   $result = $client->confirmBooking($booking->id, $sign);
	   echo '
Confirm result
'; var_dump($result); } }


$fields = $client->getAdditionalFields($eventId);
// returns - array(array(
//		'name' => 'b0657bafaec7a2c9800b923f959f8163', - field name
//		'title' => 'Test digits', - field title
//		'type' => 'digits', - field type
//		'values' => null, - available values for select field type
//		'default' => null, - default value for field
//		'is_null' => null, - is filed nullable
//		'on_main_page' => 1, 
//		'pos' => 1, - field position
//		'value' => null
// )), ...)

SimplyBook.me 提供的客製化功能

如果您的公司需要一些特定的額外功能,您可啟用我們的客製化功能。您可於管理介面的「客製化功能」頁面查看完整的客製化功能清單及具體操作方法。啟用所需的客製化功能之後,相應的 API 模組亦會啟動,讓您可以彈性使用於您的程式碼中。


在 SimplyBook.me API 中使用 loginClient.getToken(companyLogin, apiKey); 功能來取得授權。

使用 isPluginActivated("event_category") 來檢查服務項目分類客製化功能是否有啟用,如果有則顯示服務類別清單 getCategoriesList()

使用 getEventList()getUnitList() 模組來取得服務項目(活動)和服務供應者(單位)的清單。如果服務項目可用「unit_map」陣列,則代表本服務項目只能由特定的服務供應者來執行。

如果有啟用員工選擇器客製功能 isPluginActivated("any_unit"),而且「unit_map」陣列中的服務–執行者配對沒有設定特別的時間長度,則使用者應可選擇任何供應者的選項,或是手動選擇供應者。然而,如果有啟用 getCompanyParam("any_unit__hide_other_units"),則應無法手動選擇執行者。

使用 getStartTimeMatrix ($from 作為目前日期,$to 作為目前日期,$eventId, $unitId, $count 作為所選的參與者數值) 來取得特定日期的可選時段。如果有選擇任何員工的選項,則 $unitId 應為空值。

如果有啟用員工選擇器且有選擇任何員工,則呼叫 getAvailableUnits($eventId, $dateTime, $count) 以取得可選擇的 $unitId。

如果有啟用備註欄位客製功能 isPluginActivated("event_field"),則呼叫 getAdditionalFields($eventId) 以取得供顧客填寫的欄位清單。

呼叫 book($eventId, $unitId, $date, $time, $clientData, $additional, $count, $batchId) 以做預約。

取得 API 授權碼

使用 SimplyBook.me 的 API 需要一個授權的動作。您必須取得一組存取金鑰——即授權碼,以在 SimplyBook.me API 中授權。為了取得這個授權碼,您必須在 https://user-api.simplybook.me/login 服務上呼叫 JSON-RPC 方法 getToken 以提供您個人的 API 金鑰。您可以從管理介面上複製您的 API 金鑰:到「客製功能」選擇「API 串接」客製功能來啟用並設定。

var token = loginClient.getToken(companyLogin, apiKey);



您已收到授權碼。接下來您需要創建 JSON RPC 顧客端、設定 http 標頭,然後用這個顧客端來從 Simplybook 伺服器取得數據。欲取得服務清單,使用 getEventList() 方法,代碼的範例如下。

var events = client.getEventList();



您亦須取得所有服務執行者的清單。執行這個動作請使用 getUnitList() 方法。

var units = client.getUnitList();



現在,讓使用者選擇服務並接著選擇執行者。請注意服務可連接至特定的執行者或是由清單中的任何執行者來提供,這即是您為何應在使用者做選擇前過濾執行者的原因。在服務目標中使用 unit_map 參數以執行這個動作。請見下面的範例代碼。


使用者選擇服務及執行者後,您應取得所選執行者的第一個工作天並且將其設定為日期選擇器的啟動日期。使用 getFirstWorkingDay() 方法來執行這個動作。

var firstWorkingDay = client.getFirstWorkingDay(performerId);



除了設定您的日期選擇器的啟用日期以外,你亦可使用工作排程表的數據將其中的休息日設為無效。請見 getWorkCalendar() 如何在範例代碼中運作。

workCalendar = client.getWorkCalendar(year, month, performerId);



使用者選擇一個日期後,您可以載入可預約服務的時間間隔。使用 getStartTimeMatrix() 方法來取得有效時段的開始時間之清單。

var startMatrix = client.getStartTimeMatrix(from, to, eventId, unitId, count)



現在,確認是否有啟用備註欄位客製功能以判斷接下來要向顧客顯示什麼。請見 isPluginActivated() 方法的使用範例。

var additionalFieldsActivated = client.isPluginActivated('event_field');



如果有啟用備註欄位客製功能,您應使用 getAdditionalFields() 方法來載入備註欄位清單並且將它們添加到顧客的詳細資訊表格中。



顧客將其訊息填入備註欄位後,您應呼叫 book() 方法以開始預約過程。



以上是您可如何使用 Simplybook API 的簡單範例。請到這裡查看所有可用的 API 方法。歡迎隨時聯絡我們並提出任何疑問。


服務網址  https://user-api.enterpriseappointments.com/login

  • getServiceUrl ($companyLogin)

    Returns API url for given company login

    • @param String $companyLogin
    • @return String
  • getToken ($companyLogin, $apiKey)

    Returns an application's token string for a company. You should use this token to authenticate all calls of
    [[Company public service methods|Company public service API methods]] and [[Catalogue|Catalogue API methods]]. To

    get application API key you need to enable [[Plugins#API|API plugin]].

    • @param String $companyLogin
    • @param String $apiKey
    • @return String
  • getUserToken ($companyLogin, $userLogin, $userPassword)

    Returns an authentication token string for certain user registered for company. You should use this token to
    authenticate all calls of [[Company administration service methods|Company administration service API methods]] and

    [[Catalogue|Catalogue API methods]].

    • @param String $companyLogin a company identifier (login)
    • @param String $userLogin user's login associated with company
    • @param String $userPassword user's password
    • @return String
  • getApplicationToken ($applicationApiKey)

    Returns an application's token string for an application. You should use this token to authenticate all calls of
    [[Company public service methods|Company public service API methods]] and [[Catalogue|Catalogue API methods]]. To

    get application API key please contact SimplyBook.me support team.

    • @param String $applicationApiKey
    • @return String

服務網址  https://user-api.enterpriseappointments.com/

  • getUnitList ($isVisibleOnly, $asArray, $handleClasses, $searchString)


    • @param bool $isVisibleOnly
    • @param bool $asArray
    • @param integer $handleClasses
    • @param string $searchString part of name (used for comboboxes)
    • @return Array
  • getEventList ($isVisibleOnly, $asArray, $handleClasses, $searchString)


    • @param bool $isVisibleOnly
    • @param bool $asArray
    • @param integer $handleClasses (1 - classes only, -1 without classes, null - skip classes check)
    • @param string $searchString part of name (used for comboboxes)
    • @return Array
  • getCategoriesList ($isPublic)


    • @param bool $isPublic
    • @return Array
  • getLocationsList ($isPublic)


    • @param Boolean $isPublic
    • @return Array
  • getPaymentProcessorConfig ($paymentProcessor)

    Returns payment processor config

    • @param String $paymentProcessor
    • @return Array
  • validatePayment ($paymentInfo, $cartId)

    Validate application payment.

    • @param mixed $paymentInfo
    • @param Integer $cartId
    • @return Boolean
  • getBookingCart ($bookingIds)

    Returns cart information by bookings ids.
    cart_id and cart_hash is used to create secure signature to confirm cart payment.

    status - current cart status
    amount - is total amount to payment
    currency - cart currency
    cart - contains cart items. You can use them to provide information for payment system. Each item is object with following fields:
    id - booking id
    event_id - service id
    name - event name + start date time (use it to provide cart information for payment system)
    price - booking price
    qty - qty of bookings

    • @param Array $bookingIds
    • @return Object
  • getBookingCartInfo ($cartId, $sign)

    Returns current cart information
    cart_id and cart_hash is used to create secure signature to confirm cart payment.

    amount - is total amount to payment
    currency - cart currency
    cart - contains cart items. You can use them to provide information for payment system. Each item is object with following fields:
    id - booking id
    event_id - service id
    name - event name + start date time (use it to provide cart information for payment system)
    price - booking price
    qty - qty of bookings

    • @param Integer $cartId cart id
    • @param String $sign signature. (md5($cartId . $cartHash . $secretKey))
    • @return Object
  • getBookingCartStatus ($id)

    Returns current cart status
    Possible result values:

    cancel - user has canceled payment
    paid - user has paid
    error - error has been occurred on validation payment
    not_paid - cart is not paid yet or payment status is pending

    • @param Integer $id
    • @return String
  • confirmBookingCart ($cartId, $paymentProcessor, $sign)

    Confirm booking cart. Use it to confirm payment. Signature is required.

    • @param Integer $cartId cart id
    • @param String $paymentProcessor payment processor name
    • @param String $sign signature. (md5($cartId . $cartHash . $secretKey))
    • @return Boolean
  • confirmBooking ($id, $sign)

    Confirm booking. Signature is required.
    $sign = md5($bookingId . $bookingHash . $secretKey);

    Call this method from server side only

    • @param Integer $id
    • @param String $sign
    • @return Boolean
  • confirmBookingPayment ($id, $paymentProcessor, $sign)

    Confirm booking payment. Signature is required.
    $sign = md5($bookingId . $bookingHash . $secretKey);

    Call this method from server side only

    • @param Integer $id
    • @param String $paymentProcessor
    • @param String $sign
    • @return Boolean
  • confirmBookingBatch ($batchId, $batchType, $sign)

    Confirms booking batch. Signature is required.
    $sign = md5($batchId . $batchHash . $secret)

    Call this method from server side only

    • @param Integer $batchId
    • @param String $batchType
    • @param String $sign
    • @return Boolean
  • getBooking ($id, $sign)

    Returns an object with details information about booking. $sign parameter must be a string created
    with formula: md5($bookingId . $bookingHash . $secretKey). You can get $bookingHash

    value as result of [[#book|book]] API method call. Method return an error with code -32080
    (Appointment couldn't be found) if record with specified id not exists. Methods returns an error with code -32085
    (Signature error) if $sign parameter is wrong.

    • @param Integer $id
    • @param String $sign
    • @return Object
  • getBookingDetails ($id, $sign)

    Returns an object with details information about booking. $sign parameter must be a string created
    with formula: md5($bookingId . $bookingHash . $secretKey). You can get $bookingHash

    value as result of [[#book|book]] API method call. Method return an error with code -32080
    (Appointment couldn't be found) if record with specified id not exists. Methods returns an error with code -32085
    (Signature error) if $sign parameter is wrong.

    • @param Integer $id
    • @param String $sign
    • @return Object
  • isPaymentRequired ($eventId)

    Returns true if [[Plugins#Accept_payments|Accept payments]] plugin activated and event with specified id has
    configured price. If no paramentes specified then method returns true if payments plugin activated and at least

    one event has configured price. Otherwise returns false.

    • @param Integer $eventId
    • @return Boolean
  • book ($eventId, $unitId, $date, $time, $clientData, $additional, $count, $batchId, $recurringData)

    Creates new booking record. Returns an object with appointment information or throw exception if booking time not
    available or any of required parameters missed. If appointment requires confirmation, in result object will be

    require_confirm = true. $startDate and $startTime specifies a date of
    booking and time slot. Time value should be multiple to 'timeframe' configuration of company (see
    [[#getTimeframe|getTimeframe]] API method). $endDate and $endTime parameters
    should be calculated according to service duration. However you can specify different values to make appointment
    longer or shorter then service configuration. Note that $endDate and $endTime should be
    later in time than $startDate and $startTime. If your clients located in different time
    zone you should specify 'client_time_offset' value in $clientData object as difference
    between client's time zone and company's time zone in minutes. For example if company located in city with time
    zone GMT+2 and customer located in city with GMT+3 then $clientTimeOffset will be 60 minutes. You
    can get information about company's time zone using [[#getCompanyInfo|getCompanyInfo]] API method. To
    create batch booking you can specify either count more then 1 or valid batchId (only one
    parameter can be specified). You should specify an $additionalFields parameter if service requires
    some additional fields (see [[Plugins#Additional fields|Additional fields plugin]]). To create a booking with promo code you
    should pass it as additional field. For example: {"name": "promocode", "value": "some code", "type": "text"}

    See [[#book response|example]] of book API method response.

    • @see http://wiki.simplybook.me/index.php/Settings#Timeframe Timeframe information
    • @param Integer $eventId
    • @param Integer $unitId
    • @param String $date in Y-m-d format
    • @param String $time in H:i:s format
    • @param Object|array $clientData eg. {name: 'Name', email: 'test@gmail.com', phone: '+38099999999'}
    • @param array|Object $additional additional params and fields.
    • @param Integer $count bookings count, min. 1 (using for group bookings batch). (optional)
    • @param Integer $batchId add booking to multiple bookings batch. (optional)
    • @param Array $recurringData make booking recurrent. (optional)
    • @return Object
  • getRecurringDatetimes ($eventId, $unitId, $date, $time, $recurringData, $productIds)

    Get list of dates for recurring booking

    • @param Integer $eventId
    • @param Integer $unitId
    • @param String $date
    • @param String $time
    • @param array $recurringData
    • @param array $productIds
    • @return array
  • hasUpcommingPromotions ()

    Returns availability of active promotions

    • @return Boolean
  • validatePromoCode ($code, $startDateTime, $eventId, $count, $clientData)

    Validate promotion code.
    Returns true in case promocode is valid otherwise throws exception with error.

    • @param String $code
    • @param String $startDateTime
    • @param Integer $eventId
    • @param Integer $count
    • @param array|Object $clientData
    • @return Boolean
  • getPromocodeInfo ($code)

    Returns an object with detailed information about promotion by promotion code. Returns null if no promotions with
    specified code were not found.

    • @param String $code
    • @return Array
  • getPromotionRewardInfo ($commonPromotionId, $clientId, $hash)

    Returns promotion reward by common promotion id, client id and hash.

    • @param Integer $commonPromotionId
    • @param Integer $clientId
    • @param String $hash
    • @return Array
  • getUserLicenseText ()

    Returns user license text if user license plugin is turned on,
    otherwise throws exception

    • @return String
  • getPrivacyPolicyText ()

    Returns user privacy policy text if user license plugin is turned on and privacy policy is enabled,
    otherwise throws exception

    • @return String
  • getClientInfo ($clientId, $sign)

    Returns client info by client id

    • @param Integer $clientId
    • @param String $sign signature = md5($clientId . $clientHash . $secretKey)
    • @return Object
  • getClientInfoByLoginPassword ($login, $password)

    Returns client information by clients login (email)/password

    • @param String $login
    • @param String $password
    • @return Object
  • remindClientPassword ($email)

    Sends remind email for client

    • @param String $email
    • @return Boolean
  • getClientByLoginHash ($hash)

    Get client information by client login hash

    • @param String $hash
    • @return Object
  • modifyClientInfo ($clientId, $data, $sign)

    Edit client information data

    • @param Integer $clientId
    • @param Array $data
    • @param String $sign signature = md5($clientId . $clientHash . $secretKey)
    • @return Object
  • getMembershipList ()

    Returns list of available memberships

    • @return Array
  • getClientMembershipList ($filter, $clientId, $sign)

    Returns purchased membership list

    • @param Array $filter
    • @param Integer $clientId
    • @param String $sign
    • @return Array
  • getClientBookings ($clientId, $sign, $filter)

    Returns client bookings, accepts $filter ($filter {upcoming_only: true/false, confirmed_only: true/false})

    • @param integer $clientId
    • @param string $sign
    • @param object|array $filter
    • @return array
  • getProductList ($filter)

    Returns product list with filter.
    At this time filter can accept only service_id parameter

    • @param object $filter
    • @return array
  • getClassesList ($filter)

    Returns company's classes list. Ordered by position

    • @param Array $filter
    • @return Array
  • rescheduleBook ($shedulerId, $sign, $startDate, $startTime, $endDate, $endTime, $additional, $clientTimeOffset, $clientTimezone)

    Edit existing booking record. See [[#book|book]] API method description for more details about date/time parameters,
    time zone handling and additional fields. Returns null if parameters not valid.

    • @param int $shedulerId an id of booking to edit. See [[#book|book]] or [[#getBookings|getBookings]] API methods.
    • @param string $sign
    • @param String $startDate in Y-m-d format
    • @param String $startTime in H:i:s format
    • @param String $endDate in Y-m-d format
    • @param String $endTime in H:i:s format
    • @param array $additional
    • @param int $clientTimeOffset
    • @param string $clientTimezone
    • @return Object
    • @throws Api_Service_Exception
    • @throws Exception
  • getCompanyParam ($key)

    Returns company config value for key. A different set of keys available for public API and for company
    administration API. Method return 'invalid params' error (code -32602) in case if access to specified key not

    allowed. See [[#Company_params|list of available keys]].

    • @param String $key
    • @return mixed
  • getCompanyParams ($keys)

    Returns company's config values for specified keys as key-value map. For non-existent and not-allowed param keys
    it will return '''false''' as result. A different set of keys available for public API and for company

    administration API. See [[#Company_params|list of available keys]].

    • @param Array $keys
    • @return Array
  • getCancellationPolicy ()

    Returns cancellation policy rules.
    If cancellation policy custom feature is not activated, method returns null.

    • @return Array
  • getTimelineType ()

    Returns company timeline type

    • @return String
  • calculateEndTime ($startDateTime, $eventId, $unitId, $productIds)

    Returns end datetime if booking is available, else return false

    • @param String $startDateTime a date and time string in format 'Y-m-d H:i:s', eg. '2001-10-02 13:30:00'.
    • @param Integer $eventId
    • @param Integer $unitId
    • @param array $productIds
    • @return String
  • getWorkCalendar ($year, $month, $data)

    Returns company work schedule as array
    Eg.: {'2014-05-01': {'from': '09:00:00', 'to': '21:00:00', 'is_day_off': '0'}, '2014-05-02': ...}

    • @param Integer $year
    • @param Integer $month
    • @param Integer|array $data pass unit_group_id as integer for old version or structure for new version like {unit_group_id: int, event_id: int}
    • @return Object
  • getReservedTime ($from, $to, $eventId, $unitId, $count)

    Returns map of objects for each day in specified date range. The key of the result mps is a date string. The value
    is an array of two objects. Both objects contains list of time slots for type reserved_time and type

    not_worked_time. reserved_time type represents time slots working time but already booked
    by clients. Nobody knows what kind of data represented by not_worked_time type. Please don't use it.

    If [[Plugins#Google calendar sync plugin|Google calendar sync plugin]] enabled then object with
    reserved_time type will contain not empty list of time slots marked as busy in Google calendar. Call
    [[#isPluginActivated|isPluginActivated('google_calendar_export')]] API method to check if Google
    calendar sync plugin activated.


    "2016-02-05": [
    "dd": [], // time slots from Google calendar
    "events": [ // reserved time slots
    { "from": "16:00", "to": "16:30" },
    { "from": "16:30", "to": "17:00" },
    ... ],
    "type": "reserved_time",
    "events": [
    { "from": "09:00", "to": "09:30" },
    { "from": "09:30", "to": "10:00" },
    ... ],
    "type": "not_worked_time"

    • @param String $from
    • @param String $to
    • @param Integer $eventId
    • @param Integer $unitId
    • @param Integer $count
    • @return Object
  • getWorkDaysInfo ($from, $to, $unitId, $eventId, $count, $productIds)

    Returns an information about working hours and break times for specified service and performer for a period
    between two dates. If only service specified then information about performer (or performers) will be taken from

    service configuration. Method returns a list of objects for each date in specified period. Count of objects in
    list depends on break times. For example if performer works from 9:00 till 19:00 with one hour break at 13:00 method

    {'2014-05-14' : [
    {'from': '09:00:00', 'to': '13:00:00'},
    {'from': '14:00:00', 'to': '19:00:00'}
    ] }

    Warning! Method can return a time string '24:00:00' as right edge of time range. This happens in case if time
    range finishes on midnight.

    • @param String $from
    • @param String $to
    • @param Integer $unitId (optional)
    • @param Integer $eventId (optional)
    • @param Integer $count (optional)
    • @param array $productIds (optional)
    • @return array
  • getFirstWorkingDay ($data)

    Returns first working date for unit

    • @param Integer|array $data pass unit_group_id as integer for old version or structure for new version like {unit_group_id: int, event_id: int}
    • @return String
  • getStartTimeMatrix ($from, $to, $eventId, $unitId, $count, $bookingId, $productIds)

    Returns available start time, taking into account breaktimes, start and end working time
    Eg.: {'2014-05-14': ['09:00:00', ...], ...}

    If locations plugin activated for company you should pass a list as $unitID parameter for filter results with
    units available only for selected location. See [[Plugins#Unit_location|Unit location]] plugin description for
    more details.

    • @param String $from
    • @param String $to
    • @param Integer $eventId
    • @param Mixed $unitId can be Integer or Array of Integers
    • @param Integer $count
    • @param int $bookingId
    • @param array $productIds
    • @return array
  • getCartesianStartTimeMatrix ($from, $to, $eventId, $unitId, $count, $bookingId, $productIds)

    Returns available start time, taking into account breaktimes, start and end working time.
    The difference between getStartTimeMatrix and getCartesianStartTimeMatrix is that getCartesianStartTimeMatrix

    provides time slots for each individual provider.
    Eg.: {"provider_id": 1, "service_id": 1, "timeslots": {"2014-05-14": ['09:00:00', ...], ...}, ...}

    If locations plugin activated for company you should pass a list as $unitID parameter for filter results with
    units available only for selected location. See [[Plugins#Unit_location|Unit location]] plugin description for
    more details.

    • @param String $from
    • @param String $to
    • @param Integer $eventId
    • @param Mixed $unitId can be Integer or Array of Integers
    • @param Integer $count
    • @param int $bookingId
    • @param array $productIds
    • @return array
  • getAvailableTimeIntervals ($dateFrom, $dateTo, $eventId, $unitId, $count)

    Returns available time intervals for all service providers for given period, taking into account breaktimes, start and end working time
    Eg.: {['2016-03-04': ['1': [['09:00:00','09:30:00'], ['11:15:00','14:45:00']] , ...], ...]}

    • @param String $dateFrom
    • @param String $dateTo
    • @param Integer $eventId
    • @param Mixed $unitId can be Integer or Array of Integers
    • @param Integer $count
    • @return Object
  • getServiceAvailableTimeIntervals ($dateFrom, $dateTo, $eventId, $unitId, $count)

    Returns available time intervals for all servics for given period, taking into account breaktimes, start and end working time
    Eg.: {['2016-03-04': ['1': [['09:00:00','09:30:00'], ['11:15:00','14:45:00']] , ...], ...]}

    • @param String $dateFrom
    • @param String $dateTo
    • @param Mixed $eventId can be Integer or Array of Integers
    • @param Integer $unitId
    • @param Integer $count
    • @return Object
  • getReservedTimeIntervals ($dateFrom, $dateTo, $eventId, $unitId, $count, $bookingId)

    Returns not available time
    Eg.: {'2014-05-14': [{'reserved_time': [{'from': '14:00', 'to': '16:30'}], 'type': "reserved_time"}, ...], ...}

    • @param String $dateFrom
    • @param String $dateTo
    • @param Integer $eventId
    • @param Integer|Array $unitId
    • @param Integer $count
    • @param int $bookingId
    • @return array
  • getAvailableUnits ($eventId, $dateTime, $count, $unitId, $productIds)

    Returns list of available unit ids for specified date and service or empty array if all units are not allowed.
    Eg.: [1, 2, 3]

    • @param Integer $eventId
    • @param String $dateTime a date and time string in format 'Y-m-d H:i:s'
    • @param int $count
    • @param int $unitId
    • @param array $productIds
    • @return array
    • @throws Exception
  • getAnyUnitData ()

    Returns information about [[Plugins#Any_Employee_selector|Any Employee selector plugin]] configuration. Returns
    null if plugin not enabled.

    "description" : "Select this option, if you want to find an available time with any of the employees",
    "hide_other_units" : 1, // 1 or 0
    "image" : null,
    "name" : "Any employee",
    "picture_path" : null,
    "random_selection" : 0 // 1 or 0

    • @return Object
  • getAdditionalFields ($eventId)

    Return additional fields for certain event if [[Plugins#Additional_fields|Additional fields plugin]] is
    activated. Returns empty array otherwise. Call [[#isPluginActivated|isPluginActivated('event_field')]]

    API method to check if 'event_field' plugin activated.

    • @param Integer $eventId
    • @return Array
  • getTimeframe ()

    Returns company's timeframe configuration (in minutes). Timeframe can be either 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 or 60 minutes.
    You can find more details about timeframe [[Settings#Timeframe|here]].

    • @return Integer
  • isPluginActivated ($pluginName)

    Return plugin status true if status active, else false. $pluginName parameter is a plugin identifier.
    See [[Plugins|plugins]] page for full plugins description. See [[#Plugin's identifiers|list of available plugin's names]].

    • @param String $pluginName
    • @return Boolean
  • getPluginStatuses ($pluginNames)

    Return plugin status true if status active, else false. See [[#Plugin's identifiers|list of available plugin's names]].

    • @param Array $pluginNames
    • @return Array
  • getCompanyInfo ()

    Returns an object with detailed information about company. See [[#getCompanyInfo response|example of response]].

    • @return Object
  • createBatch ()

    Creates new booking batch record. Returns newly created batch id. You can use this id in [[#book|book]]
    API method.

    • @return Integer
  • getCountryPhoneCodes ()

    Returns country phone code list

    • @return Array
  • getPluginPromoInfoByCode ()

    Returns an object with detailed information about promotion by promotion code. You can get promotion code
    using [[Catalogue#getPromotionList|getPromotionList]] API method. If promotion record with specified

    code not found then method returns an empty array (an empty object). If [[Plugins#Simply Smart Promotions|Simply Smart Promotions plugin]]
    not enabled then method returns an error with code -32001 (Plugin is not activated). Use
    [[#isPluginActivated|isPluginActivated('promo')]] API method call to check if plugin enabled.

    See [[#getPromotionList response|example]] of getPromotionList API method response. Please note that
    response contains a list of services for wich promotion discount can be applied (service_ids key).

    • @param String
    • @return Array
  • getCompanyTimezoneOffset ()

    Returns company timezone offset and company timezone

    • @return array

服務網址  https://user-api.enterpriseappointments.com/admin

  • getUserPhoneValidationInfo ($userId, $number)

    Get user db data (id, phone, is_validated)

    • @param int $userId
    • @param string $number
  • saveConfigKeys ($data, $module, $plugin)

    Save configuration keys

    • @param array $data
    • @param string $module optional
    • @param string $plugin optional
    • @return array
  • getNotificationConfigStructure ($plugin)

    Get structure of SMS and Email notification config params

    • @param string $plugin optional
    • @return mixed
  • getBookings ()

    Returns list of bookings filtered by given params. Filter params represented as object with following fields:

    * '''date_from''' a date of booking in string format 'Y-m-d'
    * '''time_from''' a time string in format 'H:i:s'
    * '''date_to''' a date string in format 'Y-m-d'
    * '''time_to''' a time string in format 'H:i:s'
    * '''created_date_from''' a date string in format 'Y-m-d'
    * '''created_date_to''' a date string in format 'Y-m-d'
    * '''edited_date_from''' a date string in format 'Y-m-d'
    * '''edited_date_to''' a date string in format 'Y-m-d'
    * '''unit_group_id''' an integer. Use it to get bookings assigned for certain service provider.
    * '''event_id''' an integer. Use it to get bookings only for certain service.
    * '''is_confirmed''' 1 or 0. If [[Plugins#Approve booking|Approve booking]] plugin enabled then method will return confirmed bookings with approve status 'new'.
    * '''client_id''' an integer. Use it to get bookings only for certain client.
    * '''order''' string either 'record_date', 'date_start' or 'date_start_asc'. By default used 'date_start' value.
    * '''booking_type''' a string. Value of this field depends on Approve booking plugin status.
    * '''code''' booking code
    *: If plugin not active:
    ** '''all''' for all bookings (default value)
    ** '''cancelled''' alias to 'is_confirmed' equal to 0
    ** '''non_cancelled''' alias to 'is_confirmed' equal to 1
    *: If plugin active:
    ** '''all''' for all bookings (default value)
    ** '''cancelled''' returns bookings with 'is_confirmed' field equals to 0 and approve booking status equals to 'cancelled' (or booking does not have any approve status)
    ** '''non_cancelled''' returns bookings with either 'is_confirmed' field equals to 1 or approve booking status equals to 'new'
    ** '''cancelled_by_client''' returns bookings approved by admin but cancelled by client
    ** '''cancelled_by_admin''' returns bookings cancelled by admin
    ** '''non_approved_yet''' returns bookings with approve status 'new'
    ** '''approved''' returns bookings with either 'is_confirmed' field equals to 1 and approve booking status equals to 'approved' (or booking does not have any approve status)


    • @param Array
    • @return Array
  • pluginZapierSubscribe ($url, $notificationType)

    'create', 'cancel', 'new_client', 'change', 'create_invoice'

    • @param string $url
    • @param string $notificationType
    • @return bool
  • getBookingDetailsZapierMock ()

    • @return array
  • getClientInfo ($clientId)

    Returns client data

    • @param int|string $clientId
    • @return array
  • getClientInfoZapier ($clientId)

    Returns client data

    • @param int|string $clientId
    • @return array
    • @throws \Exception
  • getClientInfoZapierMock ()

    Returns client data

    • @return array
    • @throws \Exception
  • getBookingsZapier ()

    Returns list of bookings filtered by given params

    • @return Array
  • getInvoiceDetailsMock ()

    • @return array
  • getBookingDetails ($id)

    Returns detailed bookings object by booking id. See [[#getBookingDetails_response|response example]].

    • @param integer $id booking id
    • @return Array
  • getWorkDaysTimes ($startDateTime, $endDateTime, $type)

    Return busy time by unit id by GoogleCalendar plugin if enabled.
    Please note that this method may return not actual data because data synchronization between server and

    Google Calendar may take some time and synchronized data are cached for 15 minutes.

    • @param string $startDateTime
    • @param string $endDateTime
    • @param string $type either 'unit_group' or 'event'. Default value is 'unit_group'.
    • @return array
  • getGoogleCalendarBusyTime ($startDateTime, $endDateTime, $unitId)

    Returns a list of objects represented a time intervals marked as busy in Google Calendar. Each object of result
    contains from and to properties with datetime string as value. This method only actual if

    [Plugins#Google calendar sync plugin|Google calendar sync plugin] enabled. If plugin not enabled an empty list will
    be returned. You should call [[#isPluginActivated|isPluginActivated('google_calendar_export')]] to
    check status of the plugin. Each object of result contains from and to properties with
    datetime string as value. Please note that this method may return not actual data because data synchronization
    between server and Google Calendar may take some time and synchronized data are cached for 15 minutes.


    {"from" : "2016-02-16 13:30:00",
    "to" : "2016-02-16 16:00:00"},

    • @param string $startDateTime a date and time string in format 'Y-m-d H:i:s'
    • @param string $endDateTime a date and time string in format 'Y-m-d H:i:s'. You can date string avoiding time in this parameter. In this case method will use time value '23:59:59'.
    • @param int $unitId
    • @return Array
  • getGoogleCalendarBusyTimeAvailableUnits ()

    Returns configured unit ids, allowed to sync busy time

    • @return Array
  • getBookingLimitUnavailableTimeInterval ($startDateTime, $endDateTime, $eventId)

    Returns time intervals not available for bookings because of configuration of [[Plugins#Limit bookings|Limit bookings]]
    plugin for period of time. Returns empty array if plugin not available.

    • @param string $startDateTime a date and time string in format 'Y-m-d H:i:s'
    • @param string $endDateTime a date and time string in format 'Y-m-d H:i:s'
    • @param int $eventId
    • @return Array
  • getUnitWorkingDurations ($dateStart, $dateEnd, $unitGroupId)

    Return working durations

    • @param string $dateStart
    • @param string $dateEnd
    • @param int $unitGroupId
    • @return Array
  • getWorkload ($dateStart, $dateEnd, $unitGroupId)

    Return workload data for units in period of time. Workload for each unit represented as array with work hours
    at index 0, confirmed booking hours as load at index 1 and cancelled bookings hours at index 2.

    ['2015-10-21' : {
    5 : [
    10, // working hours
    10, // load hours (confirmed bookings hours)
    0 // cancelled bookings hours
    ] }]

    • @param string $dateStart
    • @param string $dateEnd
    • @param int $unitGroupId
    • @return Array
  • getBookingRevenue ($dateStart, $dateEnd, $unitGroupId, $serviceId)

    Return bookings count and revenue value for each date in specified period. Data grouped by unit id and
    represented as array with bookings count at index 0 and revenue amount at index 1. You can filter data either

    by unit or by service. Set $dateStart and $dateEnd to null to get data for current week.

    ['2015-11-12' : {
    3 : [
    11, // bookings count
    128.53 // revenue

    • @param string $dateStart a date string in format 'Y-m-d'.
    • @param string $dateEnd a date string in format 'Y-m-d'
    • @param int $unitGroupId
    • @param int $serviceId
    • @return Array
  • getUnitWorkdayInfo ($dateStart, $dateEnd, $unitGroupId)

    Return workday info (date_start and date_end)

    • @param string $dateStart
    • @param string $dateEnd
    • @param int $unitGroupId
    • @return array
  • cancelBooking ($id)

    Cancels booking. Returns true on success. Returns an error with code -32080 (Appointment couldn't be found) if
    no booking with specified id were found.

    • @param Integer $id
    • @return Boolean
  • cancelBatch ($id, $bookingIds)

    Cancel batch of bookings. Returns true on success. Returns an error with code -32080 (Appointment couldn't be found)
    if no booking with specified id were found. A booking with first id in $bookingIds list is used for

    information in notifications.

    • @param Integer $id identifier of batch. See [[#createBatch|createBatch]] API method.
    • @param Array $bookingIds ids of bookings included to batch.
    • @return bool
  • book ($eventId, $unitId, $clientId, $startDate, $startTime, $endDate, $endTime, $clientTimeOffset, $additional, $count, $batchId, $recurringData)

    Creates new booking record. Returns an object with appointment information or throw exception if booking time not
    available or any of required parameters missed. If appointment requires confirmation, in result object will be

    require_confirm = true. $startDate and $startTime specifies a date of
    booking and time slot. Time value should be multiple to 'timeframe' configuration of company (see
    [[#getTimeframe|getTimeframe]] API method). $endDate and $endTime parameters
    should be calculated according to service duration. However you can specify different values to make appointment
    longer or shorter then service configuration. Note that $endDate and $endTime should be
    later in time than $startDate and $startTime. If your clients located in different time
    zone you should specify 'client_time_offset' value in $clientData object as difference
    between client's time zone and company's time zone in minutes. For example if company located in city with time
    zone GMT+2 and customer located in city with GMT+3 then $clientTimeOffset will be 60 minutes.
    You can get information about company's
    time zone using [[#getCompanyInfo|getCompanyInfo]] API method. To create batch booking you can
    specify either count more then 1 or valid batchId (only one parameter can be
    specified). You should specify an $additionalFields parameter if service requires some additional
    fields (see [[Plugins#Additional fields|Additional fields plugin]]).

    To create a booking with promo code you should pass it as additional field. For example: {"promocode": "some code"}

    If [[Plugins#Unit location|Unit location]] enabled you need to pass locations ID parameter as additional field
    location_id. For example: {"location_id": "1"}. Use [[#isPluginActivated|isPluginActivated('location')]]
    to check if plugin active and [[#getLocationsList|getLocationsList()]] method to get list of
    available locations.

    See [[#book response|example]] of book API method response.

    • @see http://wiki.simplybook.me/index.php/Settings#Timeframe Timeframe information
    • @param Integer $eventId
    • @param Integer $unitId
    • @param Integer $clientId
    • @param string $startDate a date string in format 'Y-m-d'
    • @param string $startTime a time string in format 'H:i:s'
    • @param string $endDate a date string in format 'Y-m-d'
    • @param string $endTime a time string in format 'H:i:s'
    • @param Integer $clientTimeOffset
    • @param array|Object $additional additional params and fields.
    • @param Integer $count bookings count used to make group bookings batch. This parameter can't be less than 1. (optional)
    • @param Integer $batchId add booking to group bookings batch. You can't use $count and $batchId in one call. Please specify only one parameter. (optional)
    • @param Array $recurringData make booking recurrent. (optional)
    • @return Object
  • editBook ($shedulerId, $eventId, $unitId, $clientId, $startDate, $startTime, $endDate, $endTime, $clientTimeOffset, $additional)

    Edit existing booking record. See [[#book|book]] API method description for more details about date/time parameters,
    time zone handling and additional fields. Returns null if parameters not valid.

    • @param Integer $shedulerId an id of booking to edit. See [[#book|book]] or [[#getBookings|getBookings]] API methods.
    • @param Integer $eventId
    • @param Integer $unitId
    • @param Integer $clientId
    • @param String $startDate in Y-m-d format
    • @param String $startTime in H:i:s format
    • @param String $endDate in Y-m-d format
    • @param String $endTime in H:i:s format
    • @param Integer $clientTimeOffset
    • @param array|Object $additional additional params and fields.
    • @return Object
  • addClient ($clientData, $sendEmail)

    Adds new client with specified data. You can specify name, email, phone, address1, address2, city, zip,

    email, phone number or both of them can be mandatory fields. You should call
    getCompanyParam('require_fields') method to check which fields are required.

    Method returns an error:

    * -32061 Client name value is wrong
    * -32062 Client email value is wrong
    * -32063 Client phone value is wrong


    name: "Frances T. Perez",
    phone: "+1502-810-4521",
    email: "FrancesTPerez@teleworm.us",
    address1: "3872 Earnhardt Drive",
    address2: "Louisville, KY 40219",
    city: Louisville,
    zip: 3872

    • @param Object $clientData
    • @param Boolean $sendEmail
    • @return Integer
  • editClient ($clientId, $clientData)

    Edits client's record. See [[#addClient|addClient]] method description for list of available fields.
    Method returns an id of client's record.

    • @param Integer $clientId
    • @param Object $clientData
    • @return Integer
  • changeClientPassword ($clientId, $password, $sendEmail)

    Change client password and send password email changing

    • @param Integer $clientId
    • @param String $password
    • @param Boolean $sendEmail
  • resetClientsPassword ($clientIds)

    Resets client password and send them emails

    • @param Array $clientIds
  • remindClientsPassword ($email)

    Sends remind email for client

    • @param String $email
    • @return Boolean
  • getClientList ($searchString, $limit)

    Returns list of clients associated with company. You can use either phone number, email address or name as value
    for $searchString. Pass an empty string for $searchString and null for $limit

    parameters to get all records. See [[#addClient|addClient]] API method for list of available fields
    of client data object.

    • @param String $searchString
    • @param Integer $limit
    • @return Array
  • getStatuses ()

    Returns list of available statuses or an empty list if [[Plugins#Status|Status plugin]] not enabled.

    • @return Array
  • getBookingStatus ($bookingId)

    Returns status of given booking (if status plugin is enabled)
    default status will be returned if bookingId does not exists

    • @param Integer $bookingId
    • @return Array
  • setStatus ($bookingId, $statusId)

    Sets specified status for booking. Returns an error with code -32020 if logged in user don't have access to edit
    bookings. This method does nothing if [[Plugins#Status|Status plugin]] not enabled.

    • @param Integer $bookingId
    • @param Integer $statusId
    • @return Boolean
  • getRecurringSettings ($eventId)

    Returns an object with recurring settings for an event. Returns false if specified event does not configured as

    • @see http://blog.simplybook.me/recurring-and-periodic-bookings/ Recurring services desription
    • @param Integer $eventId
    • @return Array
  • getTopServices ($dateStart, $dateEnd)

    Returns a list with statistics for services for a period of time. This data contains number of bookings and
    revenues value for each service.

    • @param String $dateStart
    • @param String $dateEnd
    • @return Array
  • getTopPerformers ()

    Returns a list with statistics for performers. This data contains number of bookings and revenues value for each performer.

    • @return Array
  • getRecurringDatetimes ($eventId, $unitId, $date, $time, $recurringData, $endDateTime, $productIds)

    Get list of dates for recurring booking

    • @param Integer $eventId
    • @param Integer $unitId
    • @param String $date
    • @param String $time
    • @param array $recurringData
    • @param String $endDateTime (optional)
    • @param array $productIds
    • @return array
  • getCountryList ()

    Get list of all countries

    • @return Array
  • getStates ()

    Get list of all country states

    • @return Array
  • getFeedbacks ($approvedOnly, $reviewsOnly, $lastOnly, $limit)

    Get list of feedbacks

    • @param Boolean $approvedOnly
    • @param Boolean $reviewsOnly
    • @param Boolean $lastOnly
    • @param Integer $limit
    • @return Array
  • getRecentActions ($lastOnly, $limit)

    Returns latest actions

    • @param Boolean $lastOnly
    • @param Integer $limit
    • @return Array
  • getWarnings ($lastObly)

    Returns a list of objects represented system warnings. Each warning contains warning_type and warning_text
    properties. warning_text property contains localized message. warning_type can be one of the values:

    * '''sms_limit''' – warning indicates low amount of SMS credits
    * '''sheduler_limit''' – warning indicates low amount of available bookings

    • @param Boolean $lastObly Default value is '''false'''.
    • @return Array
  • updateNotification ($type)

    Mark notifications as readed

    • @param String $type
  • getLastNotificationUpdate ($type)

    Returns last update datetime

    • @param String $type
    • @return String
  • getBookingCancellationsInfo ($dateStart, $dateEnd)

    Returns statistics about created bookings and cancellations for a time period. Data presented as array of hashes for
    each type of operation (created or cancelled booking) groped by clients. "type" field can be either

    "create", "cancel" or "nopayment_cancel". If "user_id" not specified then bookings where created or
    cancelled by admin or employee. Data with type "nopayment_cancel" represents bookings cancelled
    automatically by system.

    3 bookings where created by admin or employee and 2 bookings where automatically cancelled by system.
    "cnt" : 3,
    "firstname" : null,
    "lastname" : null,
    "login" : null,
    "type" : "create",
    "user_id"" : null
    }, {
    "cnt" : 2,
    "firstname" : null,
    "lastname" : null,
    "login" : null,
    "type" : "nopayment_cancel",
    "user_id"" : null

    • @param String $dateStart a date string in format 'Y-m-d'. Pass null to get data from first day of current week.
    • @param String $dateEnd a date string in format 'Y-m-d'. Pass null to get data filtered to last day of current week.
    • @return Array
  • pluginApproveBookingApprove ($id)

    Sets approve booking status to 'approved' if [[Plugins#Approve booking|Approve booking]] plugin enabled and returns
    list of approved booking IDs. Returns false if plugin not enabled. Use [[#isPluginActivated|isPluginActivated('approve_booking')]]

    API method call to check if plugin enabled.

    • @param Integer $id
    • @return Array
  • pluginApproveBookingCancel ($id)

    Sets approve booking status to 'canceled' if [[Plugins#Approve booking|Approve booking]] plugin enabled and returns
    true. Returns false if plugin not enabled. Use [[#isPluginActivated|isPluginActivated('approve_booking')]]

    API method call to check if plugin enabled.

    • @param Integer $id
    • @return Boolean
  • pluginApproveGetPendingBookingsCount ()

    Returns count of bookings pending approval if [[Plugins#Approve booking|Approve booking]] plugin enabled. Returns
    0 if plugin not enabled. Use [[#isPluginActivated|isPluginActivated('approve_booking')]] API method

    call to check if plugin enabled.

    • @return Integer
  • pluginApproveGetPendingBookings ()

    Returns list of objects with information about bookings pending approval if [[Plugins#Approve booking|Approve booking]]
    plugin enabled. Returns empty list if plugin not enabled. Use [[#isPluginActivated|isPluginActivated('approve_booking')]]

    API method call to check if plugin enabled.

    • @return array
  • getPluginList ()

    Returns a list of all plugins associated with company with status.

    • @return Array
  • getBookingComment ($id)

    Returns booking comment

    • @param Integer $id
    • @return String
  • setBookingComment ($id, $comment)

    Set booking comment

    • @param Integer $id
    • @param String $comment
    • @return Integer
  • getCurrentTariffInfo ()

    Returns all information about current tariff (subscription). For example:

    "name" : "gold",
    "expire_date" : "2016-02-11 12:32:00",
    "rest" : 41, // number of days until subscription expiration
    "color" : "#fcb322"

    • @return Array
  • getRegistrations ($groupBy)

    Returns number of clients registrations by 'day', 'week' or 'month'. A time period depends on selected
    grouping parameter:

    * for 'day' methods returns statistics for last 31 days
    * for 'week' methods returns data last 10 weeks period
    * for 'month' time period is last 12 months

    • @param String $groupBy either 'day', 'week' or 'month'
    • @return Array
  • getBookingStats ($groupBy)

    Returns statistic about bookings count grouped by 'day', 'week' or 'month'. A time period depends on selected
    grouping parameter:

    * for 'day' methods returns statistics for last 31 days
    * for 'week' methods returns data last 10 weeks period
    * for 'month' time period is last 12 months

    • @param String $groupBy either 'day', 'week' or 'month'
    • @return Array
  • getVisitorStats ($groupBy)

    Returns statistics about page visits if plugin [[Plugins#Visitor Counter|Visitor Counter plugin]] enabled. Returns
    an empty list if plugin not enabled. Use [[#isPluginActivated|isPluginActivated('counter')]] API method

    call to check if plugin enabled. Results can be grouped by 'day', 'week' or 'month'. A time period depends on
    selected grouping parameter:

    * for 'day' methods returns statistics for last 31 days
    * for 'week' methods returns data last 10 weeks period
    * for 'month' time period is last 12 months

    • @param String $groupBy
    • @return Array
  • getSocialCounterStats ($provider)

    Returns social counters value for your domain

    • @param String $provider
    • @return Integer
  • getCompanyCurrency ()

    Returns company's currency as three chars code (ISO 4217).

    • @return String
  • getClientComments ($clientId, $shedulerId)

    Returns list of all comments for given client

    • @param Integer $clientId
    • @param Integer $shedulerId
    • @return Array
  • getClientSoapData ($clientId)

    Returns current SOAP information by client id

    • @param integer $clientId
    • @return array
  • getClientSoapHistory ($clientId)

    Returns SOAP history by client id

    • @param integer $clientId
    • @return array
  • getClientSoapCryptData ($clientId)

    Returns current SOAP (crypt) information by client id

    • @param integer $clientId
    • @return array
  • getClientSoapCryptHistory ($clientId)

    Returns SOAP (crypt) history by client id

    • @param integer $clientId
    • @return array
  • getCurrentUserDetails ()

    Returns an object with information about logged in user. Note: you are responsible for implementation of some
    access rights based on group property value. Most of API methods returns an error if user has low access

    rights but not all. There are 4 roles:

    * '''Administrator''' - have full access to the system
    * '''Senior Employee''' - have access to calendar, services and providers, and can modify bookings related with user
    * '''Junior Employee''' - can access caledar (but only to own bookings), services associated with user
    * '''Viewer''' - have only access to calendar and services in read only mode

    group property can be one of the values:

    * shop_user - "Senior Employee" access role
    * station_user - "Junior Employee" access role
    * admin - "Administrator" access role
    * viewer - "Viewer" access role
    * reseller_company_admin - reserved


    "id": 1,
    "login": admin,
    "email": "admin@mycoolcompany.com";
    "firstname": "Michail",
    "lastname": " ",
    "phone": "",
    "group": "admin",
    "is_blocked": 0,
    "last_access_time": "2016-06-06 17:55:51",
    "unit_group_id": null

    • @return Array
  • getCategoriesList ($isPublic)

    Returns company categories list if [[Plugins#Service categories|Service categories plugin]] is activated. Returns
    an error with code -32001 if plugin is not activated. Use [[#isPluginActivated|isPluginActivated('event_category')]]

    API method to check if plugin activated.

    • @param Boolean $isPublic
    • @return Array
  • getLocationsList ($isPublic, $asArray)

    Returns available locations for company if plugin [[Plugins#Unit location|Unit location plugin]] is activated. Return
    an error with code -32001 if plugin is not activated. Use [[#isPluginActivated|isPluginActivated('location')]]

    API method to check if plugin activated.

    This method accepts two boolean flags as parameters. If '''isPublic''' flag is '''true''' then method returns only
    public locations. If '''asArray''' flag is '''true''' method returns list of objects. Otherwise method returns
    map of objects with object id as key. You can omit both parameters.

    • @param Boolean $isPublic Optional. Default value is '''false'''.
    • @param bool $asArray Optional. Default value is '''false'''.
    • @return Array
  • getMembership ($membershipId)

    Returns membership's data object.

    • @param int $membershipId
    • @return Array
  • getClientMembershipList ($clientId)

    Returns purchased membership list

    • @param Integer $clientId
    • @return Array
  • setWorkDayInfo ($info)

    Set work day schedule for company|service|provider for week_day|date



    index is 1-7 for Monday - Sunday (used for weekly settings)
    date is used to set worktime for special date
    unit_group_id is provider id
    event_id is service id
    if unit_group_id and event_id not passed then it set data for company

    • @param array $info
    • @return boolean true on success
  • deleteSpecialDay ($date, $params)

    Delete special date if set



    • @param string $date 'Y-m-d'
    • @param array $params = null
    • @return boolean true on success
  • getCompanyWorkCalendarForYear ($year)

    Returns company special days and vacations

    • @param Integer $year
    • @return Object
  • getServiceWorkCalendarForYear ($year, $eventId)

    Returns special days and vacations, defined for given service (event)

    • @param Integer $year
    • @param Integer $eventId
    • @return Object
  • getCompanyVacations ()

    Get list of company vacations in format array(vacation_id => array())

    • @return array
  • getServiceVacations ($serviceId)

    Get list of service vacations

    • @param Integer $serviceId
    • @return array
  • getPerformerVacations ($performerId)

    Get list of performer vacations

    • @param Integer $performerId
    • @return array
  • getCompanyVacation ($vacationId)

    Get company vacation by id

    • @param Integer $vacationId
    • @return array vacation table row data
  • getServiceVacation ($vacationId, $serviceId)

    Get service vacation by id

    • @param Integer $vacationId
    • @param Integer $serviceId
    • @return array vacation table row data
  • getPerformerVacation ($vacationId, $performerId)

    Get service vacation by id

    • @param Integer $vacationId
    • @param Integer $performerId
    • @return array vacation table row data
  • saveCompanyVacation ($data)

    Save company vacation data
    (create or update table depending on 'id' param existing in $data)

    • @param array $data
    • @return Integer id of saved vacation
  • saveServiceVacation ($data, $serviceId)

    Save company vacation data
    (create or update table depending on 'id' param existing in $data)

    • @param array $data
    • @param Integer $serviceId
    • @return Integer id of saved vacation
  • savePerformerVacation ($data, $performerId)

    Save company vacation data
    (create or update table depending on 'id' param existing in $data)

    • @param array $data
    • @param Integer $performerId
    • @return Integer id of saved vacation
  • deleteCompanyVacation ($vacationId)

    Delete company vacation with all it's bindings
    (including created special days in work_day_special table)

    • @param Integer $vacationId
  • deleteServiceVacation ($vacationId, $serviceId)

    Delete service vacation with all it's bindings
    (including created special days in work_day_special table)

    • @param Integer $vacationId
    • @param Integer $serviceId
  • deletePerformerVacation ($vacationId, $unigGroupId)

    Delete performer vacation with all it's bindings
    (including created special days in work_day_special table)

    • @param Integer $vacationId
    • @param Integer $unigGroupId
  • getClassesList ($isVisibleOnly, $asArray)

    Returns company's classes list. If $asArray is false then method returns a map with event id as key
    and details object as value. If parameter set to true then method returns a list sorted by 'position' property of

    class's details object.

    • @param Boolean $isVisibleOnly
    • @param Boolean $asArray
    • @return Array
  • getProductList ($filter)

    Returns product list with filter.
    At this time filter can accept only service_id parameter

    • @param object $filter
    • @return array
  • getBookingReport ()

    Get paginated data for Booking report

    The following filters can be provided in request param:
    Date date_from, date_to, created_date_from, created_date_to
    Integer unit_group_id, client_id
    String code, promo_code
    String booking_type = 'approved' | 'not_approved_yet' | 'cancelled_by_admin' | 'cancelled_by_client' | 'non_cancelled' | 'cancelled' | 'all'

    Order can be one of the following values: record_date, date_start, date_start_asc

    Return data in the following format:
    'data' => $data,
    'metadata' => array(
    or Api_Service_Exception in error case

    • @todo : implement order by end_date, record_date
    • @param Api
    • @return array
  • getClientReport ()

    Get paginated data for Client report

    The following filters can be provided in request param:
    Date date_from, date_to
    Integer event_id, unit_group_id, client_id
    String client_search (search string, can contains client name, address, phone)
    String service_using_type = 'used_in_period' | 'not_used_in_period' | 'not_used_in_period_but_used_before'

    No custom ordering implemented yet

    Group data = 'client' | 'client_email_phone' | 'client_email' | 'client_phone'

    Return data in the following format:
    'data' => $data,
    'metadata' => array(
    or Api_Service_Exception in error case

    • @todo : implement order by send_date, sms_count
    • @param Api
    • @return array
  • getSmsReport ()

    Get paginated data for SMS report

    The following filters can be provided in request param:
    Date date_from, date_to
    Integer unit_group_id, client_id
    String phone, message

    No custom ordering implemented yet (always ordered by client name)

    Return data in the following format:
    'data' => $data,
    'metadata' => array(
    or Api_Service_Exception in error case

    • @todo : implement order by date
    • @param Api
    • @return array
  • getSmsGateways ()

    gets differend sms providers(transport) used by system

  • getEmailReport ()

    Get paginated data for email report

    Return data in the following format:
    'data' => $data,
    'metadata' => array(
    or Api_Service_Exception in error case

    • @param Api
    • @return array
  • getPosReport ()

    Get paginated data for Pos report

    Return data in the following format:
    'data' => $data,
    'metadata' => array(
    or Api_Service_Exception in error case

    • @param Api
    • @return array
  • getFeedbackReport ()

    Get paginated data for Feedback report

    The following filters can be provided in request param:
    Date date_from, date_to
    Integer from 1 to 5 rate_from, rate_to
    String name, subject, message

    Report can be ordered by one of the following fields:
    date, rate, name, message, subject, answer

    Return data in the following format:
    'data' => $data,
    'metadata' => array(
    or Api_Service_Exception in error case

    • @param Api
    • @return array
  • getPromotionList ($isVisibleOnly, $asArray, $promotionType)

    Get detailed list of promotions (new)

    • @param bool $isVisibleOnly
    • @param bool $asArray
    • @param string $promotionType = 'discount' / 'gift_card' / null
    • @return array
  • getPromotionInstanceList ($promotionType, $asArray)

    Get all list of promotion instances

    • @param string $promotionType = 'gift_card' | 'discount'
    • @param bool $asArray
    • @return array
  • getPromotionDetails ($id)

    Return promotion detailed info

    • @param integer $id
    • @return array
  • getStaticPageList ()

    Get static page list

    • @return array
  • confirmInvoice ($id, $paymentSystem)

    Confirms invoice by id

    • @param integer $id
    • @param string $paymentSystem
    • @return array
    • @throws Api_Entity_Exception
  • applyPromoCode ($id, $code)

    Applies promo code to order (Coupons & Gift Cards custom feature)

    • @param integer $id
    • @param string $code
    • @return array
    • @throws Api_Entity_Exception
  • applyTip ($id, $percent, $amount)

    Applies tip to order (Tips custom feature)
    You can apply tip by percent or by amount

    • @param integer $id
    • @param integer $percent
    • @param integer $amount
    • @return array
    • @throws Api_Entity_Exception
  • getCountByShedulerChannels ($startDate, $endDate)

    • @param string $startDate
    • @param string $endDate
    • @return array
  • getCompanyParam ($key)

    Returns company config value for key. A different set of keys available for public API and for company
    administration API. Method return 'invalid params' error (code -32602) in case if access to specified key not

    allowed. See [[#Company_params|list of available keys]].

    • @param String $key
    • @return mixed
  • getCompanyParams ($keys)

    Returns company's config values for specified keys as key-value map. For non-existent and not-allowed param keys
    it will return '''false''' as result. A different set of keys available for public API and for company

    administration API. See [[#Company_params|list of available keys]].

    • @param Array $keys
    • @return Array
  • getCancellationPolicy ()

    Returns cancellation policy rules.
    If cancellation policy custom feature is not activated, method returns null.

    • @return Array
  • getTimelineType ()

    Returns company timeline type

    • @return String
  • getEventList ($isVisibleOnly, $asArray, $handleClasses, $searchString)

    Returns company's events list. If $asArray is false then method returns a map with event id as key
    and details object as value. If parameter set to true then method returns a list sorted by 'position' property of

    event's details object.

    • @param Boolean $isVisibleOnly
    • @param Boolean $asArray
    • @param integer $handleClasses 1 - classes only, -1 without classes, null - skip classes check
    • @param string $searchString part of name (used for comboboxes)
    • @return Array
  • getUnitList ($isVisibleOnly, $asArray, $handleClasses, $searchString)

    Returns list of service performers. If $asArray is false then method returns a map with event id as
    key and details object as value. If parameter set to true then method returns a list sorted by 'position' property

    of event's details object.

    • @param Boolean $isVisibleOnly
    • @param Boolean $asArray
    • @param integer $handleClasses 1 - classes only, -1 without classes, null - skip classes check
    • @param string $searchString part of name (used for comboboxes)
    • @return Array
  • calculateEndTime ($startDateTime, $eventId, $unitId, $productIds)

    Returns end datetime if booking is available, else return false

    • @param String $startDateTime a date and time string in format 'Y-m-d H:i:s', eg. '2001-10-02 13:30:00'.
    • @param Integer $eventId
    • @param Integer $unitId
    • @param array $productIds
    • @return String
  • getWorkCalendar ($year, $month, $data)

    Returns company work schedule as array
    Eg.: {'2014-05-01': {'from': '09:00:00', 'to': '21:00:00', 'is_day_off': '0'}, '2014-05-02': ...}

    • @param Integer $year
    • @param Integer $month
    • @param Integer|array $data pass unit_group_id as integer for old version or structure for new version like {unit_group_id: int, event_id: int}
    • @return Object
  • getReservedTime ($from, $to, $eventId, $unitId, $count)

    Returns map of objects for each day in specified date range. The key of the result mps is a date string. The value
    is an array of two objects. Both objects contains list of time slots for type reserved_time and type

    not_worked_time. reserved_time type represents time slots working time but already booked
    by clients. Nobody knows what kind of data represented by not_worked_time type. Please don't use it.

    If [[Plugins#Google calendar sync plugin|Google calendar sync plugin]] enabled then object with
    reserved_time type will contain not empty list of time slots marked as busy in Google calendar. Call
    [[#isPluginActivated|isPluginActivated('google_calendar_export')]] API method to check if Google
    calendar sync plugin activated.


    "2016-02-05": [
    "dd": [], // time slots from Google calendar
    "events": [ // reserved time slots
    { "from": "16:00", "to": "16:30" },
    { "from": "16:30", "to": "17:00" },
    ... ],
    "type": "reserved_time",
    "events": [
    { "from": "09:00", "to": "09:30" },
    { "from": "09:30", "to": "10:00" },
    ... ],
    "type": "not_worked_time"

    • @param String $from
    • @param String $to
    • @param Integer $eventId
    • @param Integer $unitId
    • @param Integer $count
    • @return Object
  • getWorkDaysInfo ($from, $to, $unitId, $eventId, $count, $productIds)

    Returns an information about working hours and break times for specified service and performer for a period
    between two dates. If only service specified then information about performer (or performers) will be taken from

    service configuration. Method returns a list of objects for each date in specified period. Count of objects in
    list depends on break times. For example if performer works from 9:00 till 19:00 with one hour break at 13:00 method

    {'2014-05-14' : [
    {'from': '09:00:00', 'to': '13:00:00'},
    {'from': '14:00:00', 'to': '19:00:00'}
    ] }

    Warning! Method can return a time string '24:00:00' as right edge of time range. This happens in case if time
    range finishes on midnight.

    • @param String $from
    • @param String $to
    • @param Integer $unitId (optional)
    • @param Integer $eventId (optional)
    • @param Integer $count (optional)
    • @param array $productIds (optional)
    • @return array
  • getFirstWorkingDay ($data)

    Returns first working date for unit

    • @param Integer|array $data pass unit_group_id as integer for old version or structure for new version like {unit_group_id: int, event_id: int}
    • @return String
  • getStartTimeMatrix ($from, $to, $eventId, $unitId, $count, $bookingId, $productIds)

    Returns available start time, taking into account breaktimes, start and end working time
    Eg.: {'2014-05-14': ['09:00:00', ...], ...}

    If locations plugin activated for company you should pass a list as $unitID parameter for filter results with
    units available only for selected location. See [[Plugins#Unit_location|Unit location]] plugin description for
    more details.

    • @param String $from
    • @param String $to
    • @param Integer $eventId
    • @param Mixed $unitId can be Integer or Array of Integers
    • @param Integer $count
    • @param int $bookingId
    • @param array $productIds
    • @return array
  • getCartesianStartTimeMatrix ($from, $to, $eventId, $unitId, $count, $bookingId, $productIds)

    Returns available start time, taking into account breaktimes, start and end working time.
    The difference between getStartTimeMatrix and getCartesianStartTimeMatrix is that getCartesianStartTimeMatrix

    provides time slots for each individual provider.
    Eg.: {"provider_id": 1, "service_id": 1, "timeslots": {"2014-05-14": ['09:00:00', ...], ...}, ...}

    If locations plugin activated for company you should pass a list as $unitID parameter for filter results with
    units available only for selected location. See [[Plugins#Unit_location|Unit location]] plugin description for
    more details.

    • @param String $from
    • @param String $to
    • @param Integer $eventId
    • @param Mixed $unitId can be Integer or Array of Integers
    • @param Integer $count
    • @param int $bookingId
    • @param array $productIds
    • @return array
  • getAvailableTimeIntervals ($dateFrom, $dateTo, $eventId, $unitId, $count)

    Returns available time intervals for all service providers for given period, taking into account breaktimes, start and end working time
    Eg.: {['2016-03-04': ['1': [['09:00:00','09:30:00'], ['11:15:00','14:45:00']] , ...], ...]}

    • @param String $dateFrom
    • @param String $dateTo
    • @param Integer $eventId
    • @param Mixed $unitId can be Integer or Array of Integers
    • @param Integer $count
    • @return Object
  • getServiceAvailableTimeIntervals ($dateFrom, $dateTo, $eventId, $unitId, $count)

    Returns available time intervals for all servics for given period, taking into account breaktimes, start and end working time
    Eg.: {['2016-03-04': ['1': [['09:00:00','09:30:00'], ['11:15:00','14:45:00']] , ...], ...]}

    • @param String $dateFrom
    • @param String $dateTo
    • @param Mixed $eventId can be Integer or Array of Integers
    • @param Integer $unitId
    • @param Integer $count
    • @return Object
  • getReservedTimeIntervals ($dateFrom, $dateTo, $eventId, $unitId, $count, $bookingId)

    Returns not available time
    Eg.: {'2014-05-14': [{'reserved_time': [{'from': '14:00', 'to': '16:30'}], 'type': "reserved_time"}, ...], ...}

    • @param String $dateFrom
    • @param String $dateTo
    • @param Integer $eventId
    • @param Integer|Array $unitId
    • @param Integer $count
    • @param int $bookingId
    • @return array
  • getAvailableUnits ($eventId, $dateTime, $count, $unitId, $productIds)

    Returns list of available unit ids for specified date and service or empty array if all units are not allowed.
    Eg.: [1, 2, 3]

    • @param Integer $eventId
    • @param String $dateTime a date and time string in format 'Y-m-d H:i:s'
    • @param int $count
    • @param int $unitId
    • @param array $productIds
    • @return array
    • @throws Exception
  • getAnyUnitData ()

    Returns information about [[Plugins#Any_Employee_selector|Any Employee selector plugin]] configuration. Returns
    null if plugin not enabled.

    "description" : "Select this option, if you want to find an available time with any of the employees",
    "hide_other_units" : 1, // 1 or 0
    "image" : null,
    "name" : "Any employee",
    "picture_path" : null,
    "random_selection" : 0 // 1 or 0

    • @return Object
  • getAdditionalFields ($eventId)

    Return additional fields for certain event if [[Plugins#Additional_fields|Additional fields plugin]] is
    activated. Returns empty array otherwise. Call [[#isPluginActivated|isPluginActivated('event_field')]]

    API method to check if 'event_field' plugin activated.

    • @param Integer $eventId
    • @return Array
  • getTimeframe ()

    Returns company's timeframe configuration (in minutes). Timeframe can be either 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 or 60 minutes.
    You can find more details about timeframe [[Settings#Timeframe|here]].

    • @return Integer
  • isPluginActivated ($pluginName)

    Return plugin status true if status active, else false. $pluginName parameter is a plugin identifier.
    See [[Plugins|plugins]] page for full plugins description. See [[#Plugin's identifiers|list of available plugin's names]].

    • @param String $pluginName
    • @return Boolean
  • getPluginStatuses ($pluginNames)

    Return plugin status true if status active, else false. See [[#Plugin's identifiers|list of available plugin's names]].

    • @param Array $pluginNames
    • @return Array
  • getCompanyInfo ()

    Returns an object with detailed information about company. See [[#getCompanyInfo response|example of response]].

    • @return Object
  • createBatch ()

    Creates new booking batch record. Returns newly created batch id. You can use this id in [[#book|book]]
    API method.

    • @return Integer
  • getCountryPhoneCodes ()

    Returns country phone code list

    • @return Array
  • getPluginPromoInfoByCode ()

    Returns an object with detailed information about promotion by promotion code. You can get promotion code
    using [[Catalogue#getPromotionList|getPromotionList]] API method. If promotion record with specified

    code not found then method returns an empty array (an empty object). If [[Plugins#Simply Smart Promotions|Simply Smart Promotions plugin]]
    not enabled then method returns an error with code -32001 (Plugin is not activated). Use
    [[#isPluginActivated|isPluginActivated('promo')]] API method call to check if plugin enabled.

    See [[#getPromotionList response|example]] of getPromotionList API method response. Please note that
    response contains a list of services for wich promotion discount can be applied (service_ids key).

    • @param String
    • @return Array
  • getCompanyTimezoneOffset ()

    Returns company timezone offset and company timezone

    • @return array

服務網址  https://user-api.enterpriseappointments.com/catalog

  • getCompanyList ($filter, $from, $limit)

    Returns companies list

    $filter filter params. Object that contains following params

    'search_string': String,
    'service_name': String,
    'company_name': String,
    'company_address': String,
    'category_id': Integer,
    'tag_ids': [Integer, Integer, ...],
    'tags': String,
    'country_id': String,
    'city_id': String,
    'nearby': {
    'radius': Integer,
    'center': {
    'lat': Number,
    'lng': NUmber

    Use tag_ids OR tags

    • @param Object $filter filter object
    • @param Integer $from from position
    • @param Integer $limit rows limit
    • @return array
  • getPromotionList ($filter, $from, $limit)

    Returns active promotion list

    $filter filter params. Object that contains following params

    'search_string': String,
    'service_name': String,
    'company_name': String,
    'company_address': String,
    'tag_ids': [Integer, Integer, ...],
    'tags': String,
    'country_id': String,
    'city_id': String,
    'nearby': {
    'radius': Integer,
    'center': {
    'lat': Number,
    'lng': NUmber

    Use tag_ids OR tags

    • @param Object $filter filter object
    • @param Integer $from from position
    • @param Integer $limit rows limit
    • @return array
  • getPromotionListByIds ()

    Returns active promotion list

    • @param array
    • @return array
  • getCompanyCount ($filter)

    Returns total companies count with specified filter

    $filter filter params. Object that contains following params

    'search_string': String,
    'service_name': String,
    'company_name': String,
    'company_address': String,
    'tag_ids': [Integer, Integer, ...],
    'tags': String,
    'country_id': String,
    'city_id': String,
    'nearby': {
    'radius': Integer,
    'center': {
    'lat': Number,
    'lng': NUmber

    Use tag_ids OR tags

    • @param Object $filter filter object
    • @return array
  • getPromotionCount ($filter)

    Returns total active promotions count with specified filter

    $filter filter params. Object that contains following params

    'search_string': String,
    'service_name': String,
    'company_name': String,
    'company_address': String,
    'tag_ids': [Integer, Integer, ...],
    'tags': String,
    'country_id': String,
    'city_id': String,
    'nearby': {
    'radius': Integer,
    'center': {
    'lat': Number,
    'lng': NUmber

    Use tag_ids OR tags

    • @param Object $filter filter object
    • @return array
  • getTopCountries ()

    Returns country list as Array order by company count in country

    • @return Array [{'id': ..., 'country': ...., 'count': ....}, ...]
  • getTopCities ()

    Returns city list as Array order by company count in city

    • @return Array [{'id': ..., 'city': ...., 'country_id': ...., 'count': .....}, ....]
  • getCountries ()

    Returns a list of objects with just two properties each: id and country. An id
    is a two character string with ISO 3166-1 country code.

    • @return Array [{'id': ..., 'country': ...., 'count': ....}, ...]
  • getCities ($country, $withActiveCompany)

    Returns a list of objects. If $country parametr specified then method returns only cities of this
    country. Each object in list has 4 properties:

    * id - number. A unique identificator of city. You should use it as filter options in methods getCompanyList.
    * city - string. A city name.
    * count_id - string. Two chars ISO 3166-1 country code.
    * count - number.


    "cnt" : 7,
    "country_id"" : "GB",
    "id" : 4607,
    "name" : "Uxbridge"

    • @param String $country Optional. A two character ISO 3166-1 country code.
    • @param bool $withActiveCompany
    • @return Array [{'id': ..., 'city': ...., 'country_id': ...., 'count': .....}, ....]
  • getTags ($filter)

    Returns tags list

    $filter filter params. Object that contains following params

    'tag_ids': [Integer, Integer, ...],
    'tags': String,
    'country_id': String,
    'city_id': String

    Use tag_ids OR tags

    • @param Object $filter filter object
    • @return Array [{'id': ..., 'tag': ...}, ....]
  • getCompanyInfo ($login)

    Returns company information by company login

    • @param String $login
    • @return Object
  • getPromotionInfo ($id, $feedbackFrom, $feedbackCount)

    Returns promotion information by id

    • @param Integer $id
    • @param Integer $feedbackFrom = 0
    • @param Integer $feedbackCount = 100
    • @return Object
  • getRelatedPromotions ($id, $count)

    Returns related promotions by given promotion id

    • @param Integer $id
    • @param Integer $count = 10
    • @return Array
  • getCompanyReviews ($login, $count, $offset)

    Returns a list of company's review objects.

    "company_id" : 86409,
    "domain" : "simplybook.me",
    "feedback_datetime" : "2015-10-27 13:06:57",
    "feedback_id" : 4623,
    "feedback_link" : "",
    "id" : 17384,
    "image" : "http://graph.facebook.com/1020443689023222/picture",
    "link" : "https://www.facebook.com/app_scoped_user_id/1020443689023222/",
    "message" : "Brilliant!",
    "name" : "Simply Booker",
    "provider" : "",
    "provider_data" : "...", // String. An object encoded with PHP's serialize method.
    "rate" : 5, // 0 to 5 rate
    "status" : "approved", // 'new' or 'approved'
    "subject" : "Good",
    "with_comment" : 1

    • @see http://php.net/serialize
    • @param String $login
    • @param Integer $count
    • @param Integer $offset
    • @return Object
  • getCompanyReviewsCount ($login)

    Returns company's reviews count

    • @param String $login
    • @return Integer
  • getCompanyReview ($login, $reviewId)

    Returns a company's review objects.

    • @param String $login
    • @param Integer $reviewId
    • @return Object
  • getClientReviewsLikes ($clientId, $clientProvider)

    Returns a list of company's review likes.

    • @param String $clientId
    • @param String $clientProvider
    • @return Object
  • addCompanyReview ($login, $subject, $message, $rate, $provider, $accessToken)

    Adds company review

    • @param String $login
    • @param String $subject
    • @param String $message
    • @param Integer $rate
    • @param String $provider
    • @param String $accessToken
    • @return Boolean
  • addPromotionReview ($promotionId, $subject, $message, $rate, $provider, $accessToken)

    Add promotion review

    • @param Integer $promotionId
    • @param String $subject
    • @param String $message
    • @param Integer $rate
    • @param String $provider
    • @param String $accessToken
    • @return Boolean
  • getPromotionReviews ($promotionId)

    Returns promotion reviews list

    • @param Integer $promotionId
    • @return Object
  • getRecentPromotions ($count)

    Returns list of promotions ordered by date DESC

    • @param Integer $count
    • @return Array
  • getRecentFeedbacks ($count)

    Returns list of feedbacs ordered by date DESC

    • @param Integer $count
    • @return Array
  • getRecentCompanies ($count)

    Returns list of companies ordered by date DESC

    • @param Integer $count
    • @return Array
  • getCategories ()

    Returns all categories as list of objects. Each category can have a subcategories. Each subcategory contains parent
    category id in company_category_id field. For top level categories this field is null and

    is_header field is true.


    "company_category_id": null,
    "id": "1",
    "image": "/common/images/category_icons/car.png",
    "is_active": "1",
    "is_header": "1",
    "name": "Cars",
    "company_category_id": "1",
    "id" = 11;
    "image": null,
    "is_active": "1",
    "is_header": "0",
    "name": "Car wash",

    • @return Array
  • getFeedbackList ()

    Get list of ALL simplybook feedbacks

    • @return Array
  • getCompanyPromotionList ($promotionCompanyLogin, $count)

    Returns a list of promotions objects associated with specified company. If company doesn't have any promotions or
    [[Plugins#Simply_Smart_Promotions|Simply Smart Promotions plugin]] not active for this company method returns an

    empty list.

    • @param String $promotionCompanyLogin
    • @param Integer $count Optional. Maximum amount of objects in response. Default value is 100.
    • @return Array
  • getUserLocation ($ip)

    Returns user location info

    • @param String $ip optional
    • @return Object
  • getAutocompleete ($filter, )

    Returns suggestions for autocompeter

    $filter filter params. Object that contains following params

    'search_string': String,
    'service_name': String,
    'company_name': String,
    'company_address': String,
    'category_id': Integer,
    'tag_ids': [Integer, Integer, ...],
    'tags': String,
    'country_id': String,
    'city_id': String,
    'nearby': {
    'radius': Integer,
    'center': {
    'lat': Number,
    'lng': NUmber

    Use tag_ids OR tags

    • @param Object $filter filter object
    • @param Boolean
    • @return array
  • deleteClientFeedbacks ($gdprDataSerialized)

    Anonymize client feedbacks and feedback likes
    according to GDPR client's right to be forgotten

    • @param array $gdprDataSerialized
  • deleteClientPromotionFeedbacks ($gdprDataSerialized)

    Delete promotion_feedbak and promotion_feedback_response data
    according to GDPR client's right to be forgotten

    • @param array $gdprDataSerialized
    • @return mixed
    • @throws Gdpr_Exception